Discover new ways to monetize your skills and ideas using ChatGPT's powerful capabilities

Ever since OpenAI launched ChatGPT, the tech landscape has witnessed a revolution. Now, you can leverage ChatGPT's incredible capabilities to make money on the side

Turn your ideas into tech products with ChatGPT. Ihor Stefurak built a Chrome extension and earned $1000 within 24 hours, all without any programming knowledge.

1.Building Tech Products Without Coding

2. Designing Logos and Illustrations

Explore your creative side by using ChatGPT to design logos and illustrations. No need to be a design expert - ChatGPT simplifies the process.

3. Generating Business Ideas

Ask ChatGPT for personalized business ideas based on your expertise and preferences. Conceptualize and plan your next venture with ChatGPT's assistance.

4. Creating AI Chatbots

Meet the rising demand for AI chatbots. Learn how to train an AI and create personalized chatbots with ChatGPT's help, no coding skills required.

5. Becoming a Prompt Engineer

Dive into prompt engineering. Compile and sell prompts using ChatGPT, and access powerful plugins like "Prompt Perfect" with ChatGPT Plus

6. Video Content Creation

Explore niche categories with ChatGPT. Generate video ideas and scripts, then use platforms like to bring them to life. Monetize on YouTube and other platforms.

7. Canva Plugin for Video Creation

Enhance your video creation process with the Canva plugin. Customize videos based on ChatGPT ideas, perfect for platforms like YouTube Shorts and Instagram Reels.

8. AI generating e-book content with Amazon Kindle logo.

Enhance your video creation process with the Canva plugin. Customize videos based on ChatGPT ideas, perfect for platforms like YouTube Shorts and Instagram Reels.

9. Data Analysis with ChatGPT

Analyze data with ChatGPT. Upload files and gain insights into data trends, even with basic knowledge of numbers.

10. Freelancing and Content Creation

Freelance in your expertise with a touch of AI. Use ChatGPT to enhance content quality for tasks like fact-checking, content editing, and technical writing.