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A user reported 18 transactions in his/her Pay Later Account and did not receive any OTP for these 18 transactions,.
You can write a business plan including your goals, budget, and tactics for accomplishing them if you have a good.
Creating a successful e-commerce website is a challenging task that requires a combination of design, functionality, and customer service. In.
As a result, the subdomain can be hijacked by an attacker who can then register it and take over the.
AI is used in healthcare to evaluate medical pictures, aid in diagnosis and treatment planning, and forecast patient outcomes. AI.
The National Handloom Development Programme actively assists handloom weavers with technical and financial help, while the Handloom Mark scheme promotes.
One of the main objectives of the Class 12 Computer Science project is to develop a student's ability to design,.
Another way to create a calendar is by using python's DateTime library. This allows you to create a calendar as.
The goal of a bug bounty program is to identify and address vulnerabilities before they can be exploited by malicious.